15th October 2024

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Serving the people of Sawley

Parks & Open Spaces

There are a number of 'green' spaces within the village available for sport and general recreation. They range from formal sports provision to wild life areas, green corridors and casual open space. Some are maintained by the Parish Council and some by other authorities and agencies.

Stelle Way Meadow
This former pig farm is now owned by Blaby District Council. It was formerly leased to the Parish who maintained it as a wildflower meadow but since being taken back by Blaby, the mowing and maintenance regime seem to have allowed grasses to choke out most of the more unusual plants. The Parish Council are in a dialogue with Blaby to take it back and more actively maintain it. Our ambitions are to use part to satisfy a longstanding need for a burial ground whilst maintaining the copses for wildlife and recreating a wild flower area for quiet reflection. Access is from Stelle Way opposite the Arboretum but there is also an informal entrance to and from the grounds of the Gynsills Hotel which are themselves extensive, with mature trees.

Glenfield Arboretum
This plot off Stelle Way is owned by Blaby District Council. They maintain the fencing and occasionally mow the grass fringe but the interior is in poor state.

The paths are often extremely muddy but it is a wildlife haven and with the right footwear is worth a wander from time to time.

It is heavily wooded with a variety of species and there is a small lake hidden in the trees.

Glenfield Sports Ground
The sports ground is owned by Glenfield Parish Council and can be booked for organised sports including Cricket, Soccer and Petanque and an area is marked out for other games and sports. It is also an extensive green space and villagers are invited to walk its perimeter and access the Rothley Brook corridor. There is a newly created kissing gate at the main entrance off Gynsill Lane. Dogs must be on a lead and waste removed - this is a children's play area.

Rothley Brook North
There is a beautiful wildlife corridor along Rothley Brook going towards Anstey. A public right of way leaves the A50 facing the Shell Station and follows a stream through mature woodlands until it enters land owned by the Parish Council. This stream joins Rothley Brook beside our sports ground and the land between also owned by the Parish Council, has been planted with some specie shrubs and has mown paths but is designated as a dog walking area. The land we own on the east side of the stream and brook has been planted with some wild flowers and specie shrubs. The watercourse is treed and wildlife rich but has an open aspect with farmland to the west and our sports fields to the east. The path continues along the brookside beyond our property and can exit either onto Gynsill Lane or under the A46 towards Anstey.

The land we own on the east side of the stream and brook has been planted with some wild flowers and specie shrubs. The watercourse is treed and wildlife rich but has an open aspect with farmland to the west and our sports fields to the east. The path continues along the brookside beyond our property and can exit either onto Gynsill Lane or under the A46 towards Anstey

Glenfield Wildlife and Recreation Area
Still in our ownership, this residual area of our former sports ground has been cleared and levelled and planted with a grass and wild flower mix which is being slowly enhanced over the years. Several hedges have been thickened to reduce uniformity and a number of copses of native trees have been planted. More will be acquired and the ambition is for an area of trees of types to encourage wildlife, interspersed with wildflower glades, opening up long views towards Bradgate. Mown paths are maintained and there is a new kissing gate entrance off the A50, opposite the Millennium Green. Pedestrian operated traffic lights facilitate access.

The Millennium Green
This lozenge of land was also originally part of our sports ground before it was cut by the new road and a new sports ground was provided. There is a small car park opposite the green's main entrance.

The Parish Council lease the bulk of the lozenge to the Millennium Green Trust who maintain it and whose ambition is for a place for all ages and abilities. There is an area for young children to play, with seats for carers with further seats and picnic benches in quieter corners. There is also an area of mown grass set aside for older children or teenagers for informal games and activities.

Trees provide protection from visual and noise intrusion and native plant species are planted to provide shade and improve biodiversity and the ecology of the area, and there is a sensory garden with a variety of plants in raised beds for wheelchair users.

Glenfield Outdoor Gym Area

Within the Millennium Green, there is a small area managed and maintained by the Parish Council.

It has a tarmac surface and play-wall which has a football goal, basketball net, and cricket stumps.

There is also a youth shelter and exercise equipment.

Station Park

This small park, owned and maintained by the Parish Council, is normally a quiet retreat.

It is divided by a public right of way coming out facing the Railway Hotel.

The upper area is grassed and enclosed by mature trees and has a circular path around it.

The other half is a deep hollow surrounded on three sides by mature trees and there is a path and handrail to walk to the bottom.

Ivanhoe Way
This long distance route starts at Station Road by the Railway Hotel and within Glenfield follows the old railway embankment, for the most part running alongside Rothley Brook. The embankment slopes and the edges of the brook are well wooded and this creates a wonderful wildlife corridor and in many ways a linear park. It is maintained by the County Council.

It can be used in conjunction with other paths to create very attractive largely off-road circular walks around the village. It starts nearly opposite the path through Station Park which itself comes out only a few yards from the start of the path past the old railway tunnel and down to the A50.

Rothley Brook South
As the Ivanhoe way continues towards the south, it unfortunately runs alongside the industrial estate. If you just look out to the left over the Rothley Brook you see the wildest stretch of the rivulet which abounds with wild life including kingfishers. Beyond the brook is at present open farmland and the remains of an old watermill. Some of this land is to be developed but the area of flood plain alongside the brook will be turned into amenity land with public access allowing people to walk both sides of it.

A new bridge is to be created at the south end to allow people to cross and do a circular along both sides. This bridge will also give access to the Ivanhoe Way from the newer end of the village and will give a means to access a completely new cycleway to be created to Sacheverell Way giving access to Ratby, Groby and the National Forest. The amenity land being created will be maintained by a management company appointed by the developers.

Some of this land is to be developed but the area of flood plain alongside the brook will be turned into amenity land with public access allowing people to walk both sides of it. A new bridge is to be created at the south end to allow people to cross and do a circular along both sides. This bridge will also give access to the Ivanhoe Way from the newer end of the village and will give a means to access a completely new cycleway to be created to Sacheverell Way giving access to Ratby, Groby and the National Forest. The amenity land being created will be maintained by a management company appointed by the developers

Ellis Park
This is by far the largest green space in the village. It also adjoins the playing fields of the primary school and then the Churchyard and allotments creating a large green space for wildlife. The park itself is owned by the Parish Council and is made up of a number of different areas. There is an enclosed bowls green; all weather pitches with lighting, for football etc; an enclosed young children's play area with a large selection of equipment and a large grassed area, gently undulating.

The southern boundary is a well treed, occasionally wet ditch and there are scattered trees around the edges of the area which is otherwise used for casual sport and games. In recent years the Parish Council has also acquired a small plot of land in the south east corner to allow an entrance into the park from the newer parts of the village. It is hoped to create a surfaced path from this entrance through the park which will create a good route to the primary school. Once the final line of this is determined there are also plans to create a teenagers shelter and seating area with some outside gym equipment.

Greens etc.
There are also a number of other smaller greens and open spaces including flood relief basins, some with ponds. These are owned by several organisations including Severn Trent and the Blaby District Council.

In addition on the southern edge of the village and skirting part of the golf course there is a large copse of mature trees with a maze of small footpaths. There is a formal right of way through it going east which goes round the golf course. Although this is badly overgrown it can be followed just inside the golf course and the small bramble covered hill beside it is a haven for wildlife. Similarly if you wish to walk right round the course there is on the west side of the golf course an informal path through Fishley Belt, an avenue of mature woodland. The formal route crosses the actual course but for over 20 years people have avoided this risk and the nuisance to the golfers by skirting the course through these trees. This element of the circuit route will be formalised when the Wilson Bowden development is completed. The golf course is Leicester City owned but the ownerships of the fringe are uncertain.

It is Parish Council policy to strive to maintain the green acreage within the village and preserve the green wedge between the village and neighbouring communities and to actively promote bio-diversity within the village. The Council seeks to protect all areas of its own land recognised for its wildlife importance and to use any influence it may have on other landowners, and to promote and support such activities by third parties. The Council seeks to preserve and enhance the wildlife in its locality for future generations.

To this end it has a set of Trees Guidelines and produces an annual report/inventory of the state of the wildlife and environment of the village.

Plans are also afoot for additional amenity land. Quite apart from the Rothley Brook land being provided, Wilson Bowden will be giving the Parish Council a plot of land off Mill Lane for an informal kick-about area. Our ambition would be to do soft planting around its edge and mow a path to make an attractive walking area. We also would hope to provide some seating and, just off the Rothley Brook; it should attract some wildlife.

There is a lozenge of land between Ratby Lane and the M1 which will be re-landscaped at the end of the Wilson Bowden development project and will become amenity land. A right of way will be diverted to a more attractive line through this area and there will be other smaller green spaces and green corridors through the new developments allowing space for walking between each patch of green.

Last updated: Tue, 05 May 2015 08:08